Bio Enzymatic Liquid Sanitation - Cleaning

Device Disinfection WC BioClean ™ Natural Flow


The decontamination device wc BioClean ™ Natural Flow is ideal for companies, shops and offices etc. Focus offers intuitive operation choreis Battery for Absolute Hygiene, Disinfection Sure, Perfect Cleansing Pleasant perfuming.

Automatic Device Disinfection WC BioClean Power™


The automated disinfection wc BioClean Power ™ is ideal for companies, shops and offices etc. Focus offers flexible scheduling to work only the hours you want. It has a specific indication for changing batteries for Ultimate Healthy, Confident Disinfection Perfect Cleansing Pleasant perfuming.

Το BioClean™ is the most effective and economical automatic system to disinfect the toilet and your ureter.

Device Disinfection WC BioClean Mini™


The BioClean Mini ™ is a small disinfectors that offers assured disinfection ideal for household toilets.

The disinfection and cleaning in the toilet are basic image parameters by the consumer for a shop. Even in areas that disinfection is not deemed necessary, a safe and clean space always adds value.

Bio Enzyme liquid - Bio Clean Refill

The bio -enzymatic fluid ensures the consolidation and cleaning your toilet eliminating all pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms .. Word of life enzyme cleaves the recommendation of dirt and mat in water and carbon separates as uric acid and ammonia resulting ptochainoume inactivation of odors in your toilet . It keeps the pipes clean from dirt and limescale , no messy pelvis because it is colorless providing you a pleasant aroma . The cartridge liquid is sealed in a disposable package for guaranteed security .

Specifically condensation of liquid bio-enzymatic NetProfessional provides you 1gr product solution contained 100,000,000 bacteria colonies which are installed in your toilet.


Services & Benefits:

  • Combats and neutralizes - cleans and εξυγειαινει every bacterium - ecological microbe with bio enzymatic activity
  • Strong antibacterial and antifungal activity
  • Upgrades toilet
  • Διάσπαση ουρικών οξέων και αλάτων, αρωματισμός του χώρου της τουαλέτας
  • Cleavage urinary acids and salts, flavoring space toilet
  • Remove any residue from the tubes due to organic elements
  • Prevents bleeding and mosquito larvae in standing water closets
  • Easily installed flush with natural flow consolidating the ecological toilet
  • Not affect the operation of wastewater treatment

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